
What is The Picture Book Lab?

Gayathri Bashi and picture books have been the best of friends ever since she worked as a children’s book editor. The power and imagination of this humble species continues to surprise and exhilarate her. So now she is experimenting with creating her own. Hence, her messy lab.

In the lab you can watch from a safe distance as she makes furious notes, shares her latest findings, updates her trials and errors, and documents the larger picture book universe as she delves deeper into it. GB (for short) also can’t help herself from going on about picture books that she thinks are exceptionally creative, thoughtful, brave in the subjects that they choose to tackle or just refreshingly different from others out there. Basically, atypical reviews for an atypical site. Enjoy!

Who is this lead un-scientist?

A strong advocate for more inclusive and diverse picture books, Gayathri  wants all kinds of children to be able to see themselves in the books that they read. Her inspiration and motivation as a creator stem from the same place.


    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  1. Sharon Brown Wurtenberg

    I love your site! The range of topics and visuals are so interesting.

    • Gayathri

      Thanks so much, Sharon! Glad you found the content engaging 🙂

  2. Manjusha Ninan

    Really enjoyed your blog Gayathri. Inspiring my creative wheels 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Thanks so much, Manju! I hope to be reviving it and writing more often starting now, so stayed tune for more. And look forward to seeing what it inspires in you 🙂


  1. WiredPen - […] Example: Gaya Bashi […]
  2. week 9 : | UW Digital Publishing - […] Guest speaker, Gaya Bashi […]

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