A picture book is born!


Looks like this lab just had its first successful experiment! I’m so excited to announce the release of my first picture book — Minu and her Hair  —  published by the wonderful Tulika Books. Activity has been low-ish around here because I’ve been busy with this the past couple of months and I was torn between posting about it, or keeping it a surprise. I finally (stupidly) chose to do the latter; it’s been pure torture. Now I can finally stop holding my breath. Phew.

Moving onto the book…



Did you write and illustrate it?

Yes, and yes. A more accurate explanation is I worked, worked, re-worked, and re-re-worked it.


So, what is Minu and her Hair about? 

What? No! Seriously, it’s worth the surprise! Fine, I’ll give you a clue. There’s a girl called Minu. She has wild, uncontrollable hair. Ok, we’re done.


Where can I get copies?

Books are already available on the Tulika website and can be purchased here. For those of you lucky enough to live in Chennai, you don’t need to wait for a delivery. Tulika has a lovely little book store that adjoins their office where you can pick up your very own copy. The books also ship worldwide for free. Yes, FREE. I’ll be adding information about other places you can get the book in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.


Is it available in other languages?

It actually is! 8 other Indian languages  in fact– Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi and Bengali. These copies should become available within the next two weeks. Language lovers rejoice! The most exciting part for me?  The fact that my grandfather will be able to read my book in Malayalam (my mother tongue.) Yippeee!

P.S. If you’d like to see it in another language, put me in touch with a publisher who’d like to do it and then you can read it in Spanish, Dutch, or Swahili. I mean, hair is a universal topic after all.


Sounds interesting. But why should I buy it?

Because it’s about problem solving, character building, anger management and image perception. Who knew hair could be so enlightening and educative?

Also, your purchase will directly support a great, independent publisher making quality books for children. Please do consider it.

And if you finally do — thank you so much! I’d love to hear what you thought of it. Happy reading 🙂


  1. Nandini Vishwanath


    • Gayathri


  2. Gayathri, congratulations on your amazing debut as an author. Author of a picture book, no less! I ordered my copy yesterday. Can’t wait to read it and share it with my daughter. I am sure we will love it!

    I can already relate to Minu’s story because I might be her hair twin for all you know. In fact, I recently made a picture book for my daughter and one of the things that was a constant in the book was my hair. It will make more sense when you see the book: http://bit.ly/1hn9UDz. I have such a love-hate relationship with my hair, but I know I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. What is that you said about character building? 🙂

    I have a few specific questions on how you went about making the book such as the medium you worked in, how long the process took, etc, but I’m afraid it might take up too much space here. Please let me know if you prefer an email instead.

    Here’s to more successful picture book experiments!

    • Gayathri

      Hey Ramya! Great to hear from you; it’s been a while 🙂 Aww, thanks; hope you both like it; would love to hear your thoughts about it once it arrives.

      Hahaha. I’m glad it’s such a common experience. Fear not, the story does stem from some sort of autobiographical truth, so trust me when I say, I understand 😀 Thanks for sharing your book! It’s beautiful. I remember you saying you wanted to get it done in time for her 1st birthday, right? Well happy birthday to the kuttis 🙂 You should keep going!

      Oh don’t worry. I’ll be sure to have a post on it soon, with more detail. This was more my announcement. But if your queries are time-bound you can send me an email to the address on the contact page.


      • Aww, thanks for your wishes! Yes, the book was indeed for her first birthday, you have a good memory! I enjoyed making the book, but it was a LOT of work. So I understand when you say you worked, worked, re-worked and re-re-worked it. 🙂 You should be very proud of your achievement!

        I don’t have any urgent questions, so I will wait for the detailed post and email you if I have any follow-up questions. Thanks.

  3. Atul

    Hey Gayatri,
    The picture book looks cool. Bought a copy for my niece. Will read it to her and share her impressions with you. From what I know, hair stories are always a hit with the young people 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Hey Atul! Glad to hear it sounds interesting; thanks for getting a copy 🙂 Hope your neice and you enjoy it; happy happy hair times : D

  4. Dawnyelle Moore

    I can’t not wait! Sounds great!

    • Gayathri

      🙂 Thank you! I look forward to hearing your thoughts 🙂

  5. Mark MacKay

    What wonderful news. What a great book. I’m looking forward to getting my copy and seeing your work first hand. From what I can see I love the typography and the expressive faces and the crazy hair with a mind of its own!

    • Gayathri

      Thanks so much, Mark! You’re too kind; can’t wait to hear what you think 🙂 Yup, the hair certainly does have a mind of it’s own!

  6. Angie Lokotz

    Well done, Gaya! This book is so you. I see you in every example; in the illustrations, in the problems. I knew you would do great things. All the best for a very successful new year!

    • Gayathri

      🙂 Always lovely to hear from you Angie, and what a wonderful compliment; thank you 🙂 All the best to you too, and hope you have a wonderful 2014 too!

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